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Roy Moore's supporters say the pro-life movement is about protecting the unborn, not actual children

Roy Moore's supporters say the pro-life movement is about protecting the unborn, not actual children

ALABAMA -- On Tuesday in Alabama, evangelical Christians rallied around embattled GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore despite overwhelming evidence that he pursued sexual relationships with teenagers, including with a 14-year-old, and brutally sexually assaulted another teenager while he was in his 30s.

"The pro-life movement is about protecting the unborn, not actual children," Regina Morris told Al.com at a fundraiser on Tuesday night where pro-life Christians raised money for two "terrific" causes: Moore's Senate bid and a $12,000 Kickstarter campaign to help local Christian heroes realize their dream of bombing an abortion clinic with "top of the line C-4."

Breitbart editor-at-large Joel Pollak told MSNBC that the charges against Moore make no legal sense. "Think about it: If these girls were too young to legally consent, then they were too young to legally say 'no.' So what he did to them isn't rape. That would be legally impossible."

American Family Association President Tim Wildmon said, “I don’t think this kind of story will change support for him among Christians since he has categorically denied it," according to the Religious News Service.

But when reporters asked Moore if he could unequivocally state that he never dated a teenager when he was in his thirties, Moore replied: “It would be out of my customary behavior,” before clarifying that he generally prefers to rape babies. "Unborn babies are sacred," he continued. "Any woman who wants to abort an unborn baby is a monster and murderer. But born babies - that's entirely different. They are full of sin, and I am but a man, with man's carnal impulses," he said.

Some evangelicals stuck up for Moore's character. Liberty Counsel Chairman Mathew Staver claimed that, "having personally known Roy Moore and his wife of 32 years, Kayla, I know him as a man of integrity who respects [unslutty married] women [as long as they're his legal property, and old enough that he's no longer sexually interested in them.]"

Likewise, National Right to Life's Karen Cross is endorsing pro-life child molester Roy Moore because of his inspiring vow to imprison any grown women who tries to get an abortion. "The unborn are without sin, whereas it's well-known that children can be slutty. The ones Moore got involved with sound like revolting pre-adolescent temptresses. Roy Moore's pro-life position reflects the true values of Alabama's Christian voters, who hate whoreish children and whoreish women alike. It is they who should be judged, not him," she said.

Rev. Jerry Falwell said there's a huge difference between pro-life Moore, "who occasionally molests children," and his pro-choice Democratic rival Doug Jones, "who wants to prosecute people like Roy Moore. Alabama voters concerned with the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family - fetuses - should stick it to 14-year-old victims of sexual assault and vote to send Judge Roy Moore to the U.S. Senate," he told Al.com's Cameron Smith.

Alabama State Auditor Jim Ziegler claimed the Bible justified the GOP senate candidate’s predatory behavior, telling the Washington Examiner there was nothing wrong with Moore's sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl:

He’s clean as a hound’s tooth. Take the Bible... Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus... There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual.

In a press release, God disputed this interpretation of the Bible, saying, "For Christ's sake, stop making me fucking look bad, you pedos. Joseph didn't have sex with Mary: that's the point of the story. He was a good guy, so he refused to fuck a teenaged woman. Once and for all, I, God, invented abortion and any reasonably literate person can turn to Genesis to see that I was the original founder of planned parenthood. Roy Moore isn't a Christian. He's a psychopath misogynist." 


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