Vice President Tim Kaine admits Who ancestry

Vice President Tim Kaine admits Who ancestry

WHOVILLE -- On Monday, Vice President Tim Kaine went on PBS's hit celebrity-genealogy show, "Finding Your Roots," only to be confronted by researchers with staggering photographic evidence that Kaine is in fact related to Cindy Lou, of Whoville, and the Grinch who stole Christmas, who also hails from Whoville.

"Wow!" Kaine responded, amazed. "The eyebrows, the enormous forehead, the almost maniacally large eyes, ghoulishly expressive smile: I really see it," he conceded.

Kaine said he looks forward to getting to know everyone in this forgotten branch of his family tree. 

"I've always known the Whos were great people," he said. "Now I get to find them and love them. Blood doesn't lie!"


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